Custom Index Tabs
Add more organization to your portfolio, sales box or binder! Custom tab dividers with full graphics are available.
- 22-XX (XX = Number of unique tabs in set).
- Standard sizes to fit our products or custom sizes and tab cuts are available. Portrait or landscape. We can provide custom templates.
- 250 sets
- Printed in four color process or PMS inks, solid ink coverage, foil stamped or embossed with coating options.
- Clear or colored mylar, 1/4", 1/2", 3/8" or 5/8" tab extensions, drilled holes, collating, inserting and shrinkwrap packaging are available.
- Follow art guidelines and submit art on template.
- Standard or custom cover stocks. Text stocks require 100# minimum weight for tab cutting.
- Based on the specifics of your order. Collating and inserting requires additional production time. Schedules can often be adjusted. Tell us what you need.
- PDF proof available upon request.