4 1/2" x 9" Policy Holder
- 4 1/2" x 9" Policy Holder. Thumb notch at top makes it easy to remove documents. Perfect for insurance policies, storage unit and lease papers. Custom design each panel with your own art.
- 1000
- Your choice of one standard Document Folder ink color. See color chart. No heavy coverage or large solid blocks of ink. Copy must remain 3/8" in from all edges. Print in any location on the front or back cover. Additional standard ink colors or non-standard PMS ink colors are available for an additional charge. Full graphics including heavy coverage and 4CP, foil stamping, and embossing available.
- Follow art guidelines and submit art on template (Adobe InDesign).
- Your choice of one standard stock for Document Folders. See color chart. Additional charge for other stocks.
- 10 working days. Schedules can often be adjusted. Tell us what you need.
- PDF or color digital available upon request.
- Holder sealed at bottom and sides. Packaged up to 500 per box. 18 lbs. per box.