Political & Government Sell Sheets & Sample Packs

Political & Government Sell Sheets & Sample Packs
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All products are Union Made in the USA. There is never a charge to add a union label to any product — simply note on your purchase order that one is required and we will add it for you!
- Request our FREE targeted SAMPLE PACK as the first step of your sales plan. Every candidate and every campaign issue coming up for a vote uses printed literature. Our ColorWorx® line of quick, affordable four color process printing, offers a variety of cost effective products to improve name recognition and generate support for a candidate’s platform. Local municipalities and government agencies use Pocket Folders for handing out licenses, deeds, chamber of commerce packets, economic development promotions and safety & welfare programs. And don’t overlook local police and fire departments, some of the largest users of Certificate Holders for letters of commendation and more!
All products are Union Made in the USA. There is never a charge to add a union label to any product — simply note on your purchase order that one is required and we will add it for you!